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Welcome to the Cornish Crabbers Club
For owners and admirers of all boats built by Cornish Crabbers
Club News
     Have You Joined The Forum?
      It's a place to find information and share
      Take a look to see what other folks are talking
      Sign up now to join in the conversation
      Best of all it is totally FREE!

     Important - Please read

    2024 CCC Solent Rally
June 8th - June 15th
       Details HERE

Cornish Crabbers LLP
       It is with great sadness that we learn that
       Cornish Crabbers LLP have gone into
       voluntry liquidation
       Our thoughts go out to everyone who work
       at CC LLP and to any of our members who
       are directly impacted by this action

      Details HERE

    2023 CCC Solent Rally Report
       While we wait for the 2024 rally report you may
       like to take a look at a pdf of last years, kindly
       sent in by Paul Deslandes See here

Take a little time to browse the site to find out about the
'Cornish Crabbers' range of boats....
       .... and the folks who sail these craft with a passion

Our craft can be found anywhere from creek crawling at the heads of rivers and lochs, out in the estuary, circumnavigating the British Isles or even part navigating the globe. These boats are found worldwide

We are a friendly and enthusiastic bunch who welcome newcomers. You don't need to own a Crabber to join in the fun

Accept the welcome from our Commodore here, then join the forum to see what folk are up to day to day

There is 'no charge' to join or be a member of this club, so click on the forum, sign up and join in!
Welcome to the official web site of the
Cornish Crabbers Club
Ruach in the Clyde - Photo by Jack Boyle
Have you taken a look at our Facebook page? You Don't need to be a Facebook user to see what we are up to. See: www.facebook.com/cornishcrabbersclub But if you are a Facebook user don't forget to 'like' us too.